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Confidence… according to these few descriptions from the dictionary it is the following: belief in oneself and one's abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance.

But it is more than these. It is about knowing your worth and believing it. Knowing that you are valuable, appreciating your uniqueness, that you have power to make choices that ultimately determine your destiny. Believing that you have the potential to achieve anything you set your heart and mind to, given the right tools and support. It’s about believing that your life has purpose.

For so many of us though, confidence is not something that comes easily. It may only be in certain areas of one’s life that the confidence seems to evade you and it may stem from a fear instilled as long ago as childhood.

Building confidence takes courage. It means identifying the area where you feel vulnerable or less than. Making a choice to overcome and taking steps toward doing so.

Personally, I too have areas where I can suddenly wish to take flight. For one thing, when I was younger I was a complete people pleaser. Say yes to everything and trying to keep everyone happy, to the point of burn out. Then once recovered, starting again. My own definition of insanity.

But by God’s grace, a lot of life experience and a whole lot of determination, I am slowly overcoming.

What is that “something” that robs you of your confidence? Is it an overly vivacious person in the same room, having to go new places by yourself, never trying anything new in case you get it wrong? There are so many scenarios.

Most importantly, be who you are created to be…yourself. Look deep inside, take a deep breath and take your first step to building your confidence. Don’t give anyone the power to take it away from you.

You are worth it!!

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